The Architecture of Ancient Egypt

One of the most studied cultures in world history is that of Ancient Egypt. Its religion, government, architecture and art left indelible marks on all succeeding generations. Many famous structures were and are based upon the pyramids, Egyptian statues TEMPLES IN ANCIENT EGYPT , Egyptian Tombs , and Obelisks in Ancient Egypt . Notable among these architectural sites is the Washington Monument, the Empire State Building, and Taipei 101, all designed like the obelisk. The famous Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas was built to look like a pyramid. Harrods's in London has an area designed to look like an Egyptian wall, and the entrance area of the Louvre in Paris resembles Egyptian architecture. Most major museums feature replicas, if not originals, of Ancient Egypt's statuary, architecture, figured reliefs, and columns.

The three major periods of Ancient Egypt are the Early or Predynastic Period, 5500 – 3100 BC; the Old Kingdom, 2686 – 2181 BC; the Middle Kingdom, 2055 – 1650 BC; and the New Kingdom, 1570-1070 BC. Each period contains many dynasties, which continue up until 30 BC. THE CHRONOLOGY OF ANCIENT EGYPT The most famous of the periods is the New Kingdom.

The Early or Old Kingdom

The Middle Kingdom

The Late or New Kingdom

The Egyptians were one of the first to develop an alphabet using hieroglyphics and wrote upon the papyrus (paper) they developed far in advance of other cultures Ancient Egyptian Culture .  The hieroglyphics appeared on everything from temples to relief panels on walls, and depicted Egyptian life and spirituality.

Their architecture was developed and constructed using mathematical principles of algebra and geometry that were later adopted by the Greeks, as well as other cultures. The pyramids could not have been built without the knowledge of mathematics. All Egyptian architecture and art was made following proscribed rules and procedures.  The humans depicted in the artwork had to be painted or drawn in a very particular and proscribed way.

Early Egyptians developed a calendar and a rudimentary Zodiac, which were also used and altered by succeeding cultures. The pyramids are the best example of the knowledge of Egyptian stonemasons, and their metalworkers were exemplary.

Some of the earliest medical writing was done on Egyptian papyrus and described, among other procedures, embalming techniques. Embalming was one of the earliest human surgeries described in writing.

These ancient peoples developed literature, poetry, comedy,and drama. Later cultures drew on these writings to develop their own literary contributions to society. The Ancient Greeks paid homage to the Egyptians for being the originators of what became known as Greek literature.

One of the major contributions of the early Egyptians was their belief in reaching an afterlife by living a life based on good morals.They also eventually believed in monotheism, the worship of one god, a practice adopted first by the early Hebrews and later by Christians, a belief that continues today in most modern religions.  Contributions and Legacy